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Monday, February 8, 2016

Valentine's Day Crafts & Activities

Happy week of Valentine's Day! This holiday full of love and affection is such a great excuse to spend extra time together as a family and less time in front of a screen. Below are just a few of our favorite (and easiest) crafts to do for Valentine's Day. Enjoy this fun day! 

• Heart Shaped Crayons: All you need is a silicone muffin tin in the shape of a heart, old crayons (with all the paper off), and an oven. Break up the crayons and fill each heart up with different crayons. Melt in the oven on 230° for 15 minutes and you have easy colorful crayons to share!

• Heart Tube Stamping: Take a toilet paper tube and bend it in the shape of a heart. Dip it in red and pink paint and let your child stamp all the paper they want! 

• Beaded Hearts: Let your child string some beads on a pipe cleaner. Once they're finished, bend the pipe cleaner to make the shape of a heart. This can be attached to a string to make a necklace, an ornament, or a key chain. 

• Heart Shaped Cookies: go to town like it's Christmas and make all sorts of decorated cookies. All you need is some cookie dough, a heart shaped cookie cutter, and some icing/sprinkles. An afternoon of baking = a delicious dessert after dinner!

• How to Cut Out a Heart: Lots of kids don't know the trick of folding a paper in half, cutting out half of a heart, and unfolding to discover a whole heart. Teach your kid this cool trick and they'll be showing it off!

• Footprint or Handprint Art: If you'd like a keepsake craft, stamping their feet or hands in paint and then on paper in the shape of a heart is always an easy one. For older kids, they can do this themselves. For younger ones, not that much. Let them get their sensory on while making cute crafts!

If you're on Pinterest, you'll already know that that's always a great resource for more fun ideas. If you're not, get on the bandwagon with us! 

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