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Monday, November 23, 2015

This week is Game and Puzzle Week!

We love games and puzzles here at Jellybean. This week, we're going to encourage you to break out the old board games and sit down as a family and play something. Not a game person? Break out a puzzle. Either way, sit down with one another after dinner and take part in something that doesn't have to do with the everyday routine.

If you don't have any age appropriate games or puzzles, feel free to borrow from Jellybean. We have plenty of backpack kits and file folder games located up front in the lobby that are always available to you to take home for a few nights. If you'd rather borrow a board game or something of the sort, we have plenty to search through. Just ask one of the teachers and we'll show you where they're located and where to sign in and out for the games.


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