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Monday, July 6, 2015

POTM: Parent Responsibilities

The following is taken directly out of our handbook on all the responsibilities that come with having a child here at Jellybean. Please read through to make sure you already cover all these bases.

In helping your child feel at home, we encourage you to bring in family photos for us to display. We will be taking pictures here so look for e-mails from Snapfish to see what your child is doing some days. Your child has two cubbies; one for personal belongings and one for all the things they do at Jellybean and parent notes. It is your responsibility to make sure their personal cubby is stocked and cleaned out weekly. In this cubby there should always be an extra set of clothes. It is very likely that your child will get messy here. We encourage them to have fun while they learn. Jellybean Daycare & Preschool will not be responsible for stained or ruined clothes so be sure to dress your child in play clothes. 

Please label all of your child’s belongings. This includes clothes, socks, shoes/boots, slippers, snow pants, mittens, hats, swimsuits, towels, coats, and bags. Many children end up with identical items and without names it is hard to tell what belongs to whom. If something is left here and we don’t know who it belongs to, it will be placed in the lost and found. The lost and found is located in a bin on the shelf in the front lobby. Please check this often. The lost and found will be emptied on the first Friday of every month. Parents need to also bring a water bottle to leave at Jellybean. We will wash this weekly for your child and it will be labeled in the refrigerator so they can get a drink whenever they are thirsty. 

Another parent responsibility is washing your child’s bedding weekly and returning it on Monday. Your child will have a sheet for their cot but you will need to supply their own pillow, blanket, or stuffed toy to keep with them during nap. 

We do our best to keep track of home items, but cannot be held responsible should they be misplaced or broken. We ask that children do not bring toys from home. 

Parents are responsible for picking up their child on time as stated in the contract. Your child will only be released to people listed on their emergency card. If someone different is picking up the child, a parent needs to sign a permission form and turn it into the director or call the director to make special arrangements. If the person picking up your child is unfamiliar to the Jellybean staff they will be required to show identification before the child will be released. This is to ensure the safety of your child.

Have any questions? Let us know. 

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