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Monday, June 22, 2015

Walk-a-Thon : 2014 Recap & 2015 Info

For those of you who don't know, our annual Walk-a-Thon is a fundraiser that we do to raise money for certain areas of our school. Last year, we raised money for our outside area. With the $2,300 we raised, we were able to purchase new trees, sod, pea gravel, dirt, and music walls. Yearly improvements are needed to keep our center up to date so the children can constantly experience new things. The fundraiser not only raises money for Jellybean, but is also a ton of fun for all of our Jellybean families.

This year we are having a carnival themed Walk-a-Thon to raise money for our indoor and outdoor areas. Some improvements we want to make are new carpet, vines for the tunnel, new plants for the children to plant, and new cubbies for the preschool room. Some fun things that will be included at the Walk-a-Thon are a balloon twister, a ring of "fire", a bounce house, a photo booth, Chuck-E-Cheese (yes, the real Chuck-E-Cheese himself), a face painter, and a ton more. We are so excited to spend a few hours with each family.

Donations & 50/50 Raffle: Even though we sell food and snacks during the fundraiser, the main way we raise money is from donations and the 50/50 raffle. Each family should have received a large envelope with a pledge form and raffle tickets along with instructions to make everything a bit more clear when asking for donations. Once someone donates, they can also purchase raffle tickets. Last year's raffle ticket winner won $900! Please bring all of this information with you when you attend the Walk-a-Thon (or beforehand during school hours if you cannot attend.) Whichever family raises the most money, their child(ren) will get a special prize! So raise, raise, raise.

We are so grateful for our families that take part in our annual Walk-a-Thon. Without you, we wouldn't be able to keep our center up to date and newly renovated for the children. Thank you!

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