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Monday, July 25, 2016

Walk-A-Thon Results

Thank you all so much for attending and raising money for our preschool at this year's Walk-A-Thon! For those who couldn't attend, we had a blast. We were given balloon animals, got our faces painted, ran through a sprinkler, poured water down a water wall, ate yummy hot dogs and popsicles, bounced in a moon bounce, and even got a visit from Chuck E Cheese himself!

It was a great success as we raised a total of $2413.20 towards new landscaping and maintenance for our school! In detail, we will be purchasing new wood chips and pea gravel for the recess area and new dirt for our septic field. As not fun as that sounds, things like that need to get done and a fundraiser is a great way to raise that extra large sum of funds to maintain our facilities. So thank you all for contributing and keeping our prices affordable.

The winners of our raffles won different things such as Mac's Seafood gift certificates, Maplewood Lanes gift certificates, Candy Louu Photography mini session, a free Parent Night Out, and more.

Lastly, the lucky winner of our 50/50 raffle won $1325! They were ecstatic to get that good news and we were ecstatic to send over that check to help out a fellow family.

Thank you all again for hanging out with us this past Saturday and donating towards your child's school. We can't stress enough how awesome our families are! Look in the upcoming newsletter for the save the date for next year's Walk-A-Thon. Be sure to mark it down in your calendars so you don't miss out! We'd love to see you there.

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