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Monday, January 25, 2016

Monthly Parent Night Outs

Our monthly Parent Night Outs have already started! If your child went to this month's, you might know that Ms. Tish did a science night! The kids made their own snow globe to take home, had pizza, and watched a movie while waiting for Mom & Dad. They had a ton of fun.

So far we have two more months of Parent Night Outs planned for you to have the option of bringing your child to Jellybean for a few hours while you enjoy a night to yourselves. In February, Ms. Rachel will be hosting the evening while the kids make big valentines, eat dinner, and watch a movie. In March, Ms. Ozzy will be hosting a drive in movie night! The kids will decorate a box that they bring from home as their "car", watch a movie, and eat dinner.

We talk about these Parent Night Outs every day during group time so the kids get super excited. You may hear them mention it at the dinner table or in the car on the way home. Check Juju's desk every month for the sign up sheet for the Parent Night Out of the month.

See you in the classroom!

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