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Monday, September 11, 2017


Conferences are next month! If you're wondering whether or not you should sign up for a slot, hopefully this helps. Here's an overview of our conferences!

Open house: We set up our conferences like an open house. Every teacher will be stationed in their sections and you will travel around to each teacher for 5 minutes each. Once Juju's timer goes off, you'll move to the next teacher. We do this so you get a specified view of your child from each teacher's perspective and you can talk to them in greater detail about their area of focus.

Who you'll see: Everyone will be there! Ms. Rachel, Ms. Jenn, Ms. Ozzy, Ms. Cheyenne, Ms. Bri, Ms Karen, Ms. Kiki, Ms. Mary, and Ms. Alexis.

What you'll talk about: Upon signing up for conferences, Kiki will send you a PDF of the areas of focus for each teacher. On that PDF will be specific things that each teacher will be going over along with questions to ask yourself about your child before the conferences so you can be prepared to talk about things that need attention. Please print this out and bring it with you.

Reasons to attend: There are so many reasons to attend conferences! If your child is new and you'd like to meet each teacher in person, if you have some concerns about your child, if you have some problems at home you'd like some advice on, and even if you feel completely confident about your child's academic and social/emotional skills! There's always some way to challenge them more.

What you'll get: After conferences, you'll get a more thorough knowledge of the teachers teaching your child, what your child does daily, how they interact with their friends, and some sweet stories about your child. And with that knowledge comes confidence, which is exactly what we wish for you this school year. Confidence in both your family and your child's success!

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