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Monday, July 10, 2017

POTM: Pesticides

The following was taken directly from our handbook:

If pesticides are going to be used, parents will be given a 2 week notice of when the application will take place. There will be a posting on the front bulletin board notifying you of when the application will take place as well as being notified by email. The notice will contain information about the pesticide, including the target pest or purpose, approximate location, date of the application, contact information at the center, and a toll free number for a national pesticide information center recognized by the Michigan Department of Agriculture. Liquid spray or aerosol insecticide applications will not be performed in a room of the center unless the room will be unoccupied by children for not less than 4 hours or longer if required by the pesticide label use directions. For further information, you can call the National Pesticide Information Center at 1-800-858-7378.

Let us know if you have any questions!

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