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Monday, June 12, 2017

POTM: Emergency & Safety Procedures

The following is taken from our handbook. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask.

Emergency information is located in each classroom. Evacuation procedures and maps are posted on the walls. Copies of child emergency forms are kept in a file box in each classroom. Information on CPR administration is located in each bathroom. In the event of an emergency all parents will be notified and required to pick up their child within 30 minutes. Staff members are also trained on what to do in case of emergency such as a fire or tornado. Jellybean Daycare & Preschool holds seasonal drills to familiarize your child on what to do. If there are ever any changes on your child’s emergency card, please be sure to update them immediately. It is very important to be able to reach a parent at all times. 

All staff members are trained in CPR and first aid and renew certification annually for CPR and every 3 years for first aid. If a minor injury occurs (ex. scrape from a fall), teachers will administer first aid. In the event of a more serious injury, a teacher will administer first aid and another teacher or the administrator will contact the parent. The parent may be asked to come to the center to take their child to a physician or hospital. If neither parent can be contacted, the person designated on the child’s emergency form will be requested to fulfill this role. The emergency form authorizes Jellybean Daycare & Preschool and its designated employees to secure and authorize any medical attention, treatment, and services as may be necessary for a child whose parents (or emergency contacts) cannot be immediately contacted. If immediate and urgent medical care is required, the center will call 911. The parent agrees to assume responsibility for payment of medical costs incurred. 

If a child’s injury requires medical treatment, we will fill out an incident report and we will report it to the State of Michigan Department of Human Services. 

Jellybean Daycare & Preschool has 8 video surveillance cameras. These cameras are here for the protection of the children, staff, and building. Video is NEVER posted online. All exterior doors are locked at all times and we do not open the door for anyone we don’t know. If someone new is picking up your child, please make sure to tell your child’s teacher or the administrator so that we are aware. 

We are a smoke-free building. Smoking is not permitted on or near the property. Firearms or other significantly hazardous items are not permitted in or around the property.

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