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Monday, April 3, 2017

POTM: Holidays & Birthdays

The following is taken directly from our handbook. Let us know if you have any questions or concerns.

Jellybean Daycare & Preschool takes time to celebrate all of our children and the days they celebrate. For birthdays, parents are welcome to bring in a snack/birthday treat to share (please be aware of your class allergies). We do not allow treats such as cookies, cupcakes, or cakes. We encourage parents to bring healthier or non-food items. If you would like some ideas for alternative items to bring in, we have a list that we can send you. As for holidays, we celebrate all holidays that our children celebrate. If you are celebrating something at home we would love to learn more about it and your culture and celebrate it here too. Let us know when you enroll so we can be sure to include it in our plans. All the things that we celebrate will be posted on our calendar so you know what we are doing. We believe that the more culture that children are exposed to the more enriched their lives will be.

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