The following is taken directly from our Handbook. If you have any questions, feel free to ask.
The infant room runs a little differently than the rest of the center. We go by each
individual infant’s schedule. If your baby is hungry, we feed them. If your baby is sleepy,
we help them to sleep. If your baby needs a diaper change, we change it. There really is
no set schedule in this room except to follow the infant’s schedule.
As long as the weather permits, infants will go outside everyday, so be sure they have the
proper clothing.
To reduce the risk of SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome), Jellybean Daycare &
Preschool follows safer sleep for infants. This means that your infant will sleep on their
back in a crib with no other objects. In order for an infant to use an incline in a crib, there
must be written consent from a physician. After being placed down to sleep on their
backs, infants may assume any sleep position they can maneuver. They will be monitored
while they sleep. If it is cold outside then we will provide a sleep sack for your baby to
sleep in. Infants will be rocked to sleep if needed. Each infant will have their own
individual crib that will be for their use only on any day they attend.
Jellybean Daycare & Preschool will feed infants on demand. Parents with children under
1 must supply all their own food. Food and bottles must be prepared and ready to heat
and serve with your child’s full name, date, and contents on each item ( is
helpful). If it’s breast milk, it must also have the date it was collected. Any food or milk
that is not consumed during the day will be sent home with the child at the end of the day.
Infants unable to sit up or hold a bottle themselves will be held for bottle feeding. Bottles
are never propped up or placed in cribs with children. Bottles may not contain cereal or medication mixed in with the liquid. Once your child starts on table food, you may check
our menu and let us know of any foods that your child may not yet eat. We will provide
bibs during the day for your child to wear.
We change diapers at least every 2 hours when children are awake, when children wake
up, and when diapers are wet or soiled. During diaper changes, Jellybean Daycare &
Preschool will use cornstarch powder or A & D on your baby. If you prefer something
different, you can provide it to keep in their diaper cubby. Parents must supply their own
diapers and Jellybean will provide the rest. If your child runs out of diapers, we do have
extra on hand, but you will be required to replenish the amount of diapers that your child
We allow the use of cloth diapers. If your child will be using cloth diapers, you must also
bring a sealable container/bag, labeled with the child’s full name, to place soiled diapers
in. This must be taken home at the end of each day. By law, we are not permitted to rinse
or wash any contents from the soiled diapers/clothes.
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