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Monday, January 11, 2016

What to Expect at Kindergarten Readiness Night

For those parents that have a child in the Purple Group, you may have heard about our Kindergarten Readiness Night on Wednesday. If you're coming, awesome! You'll learn a little bit about what to expect when you attend on Wednesday and what all you'll get out of it. If you're not coming, you can use this information to do your own research on how to prepare your child for Kindergarten.

Here's what to expect on Wednesday:

• Presentation from Juju: The wonderful and informative Juju will give a presentation throughout the entirety of the evening. All in all, this should take less than an hour. She'll talk about what Kindergarten is like, what to expect as a parent who is new to Kindergarten, and how you can prepare yourself and your child for this big step in their lives: not only academically but also emotionally. She'll also give you some resources for you and your child to get you started before summer arrives. These resources include the Kindergarten Readiness Packet and the Kid's Packet that she'll give you to take home.

• Kindergarten Readiness Packet: This packet will include enough tools for you to basically take home the presentation. It includes articles about Kindergarten, preparing your child, and how your child learns best. It also includes a master checklist so you can evaluate your child to make sure they know what they need to know for Kindergarten and some things you may need to help them with before that day comes. We don't want to pressure them as they're exploring and learning on their own, but we do want to make sure that they know the basics before Kindergarten so they don't get lost within the curriculum. Every child learns at their own speed but if we can provide the tools and subjects and get them interested, they'll thrive even more. If you want some different activities or ideas on how to get them started on preparing for Kindergarten, we have a whole Pinterest board dedicated to Pre-K work. Find it here.

• Kid's Packet: Lastly, there will be a kid's packet for you to take home to your child. This includes things like worksheets, books, and pencils to get your child started on the road to Kindergarten Readiness. We want to get them excited about Kindergarten and excited to learn these new big kid things.

If you have any questions about Kindergarten or how we join you in getting your child ready for Kindergarten, bring them to the presentation and Juju will be glad to answer them.

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