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Monday, December 7, 2015

POTM: Jellybean's Discipline Policy

The following is taken directly from our Handbook. Let us know if you have any questions.

At Jellybean Daycare & Preschool, we want to teach your child how to work out problems on their own so they can learn how to respect one another. We will model kindness and compassion so they have positive behavior to follow. It is important that parents and providers work as a team and are consistent. Your child will be confused if they are only expected to be kind and respectful at daycare and not at home. We do not have all the answers. But we will do our best to see that your child is in a safe, fun, and loving environment. This takes support from everyone: the parents, providers, and the children. If you ever have any questions or want to discuss behavior or discipline concerns please feel free to talk to us at anytime. 

Infants and young toddlers: At this age, children are naturally curious and need to explore in a safe healthy environment. When a child becomes frustrated while trying a new skill, we offer support by using language, facial expressions, and gestures. If they become frustrated with another child, we offer support by giving them the proper language to use. 

2 ½ and older: At this age, children are beginning to understand right from wrong. We will be there to help your child when they are having difficulty making those decisions. We encourage them to make appropriate choices and use acceptable behavior. We limit the use of “no”, “don’t”, and “stop”, by verbalizing what we want them to do as opposed to what we don’t. At this stage children are also beginning to form friendships. We want to teach children how to work out their own differences and conflicts. If there is a problem the teacher may step in and help the children sort out their problems by letting each child express themselves and letting them decide a solution to make them both happy. In other circumstances, if a child is harming others or themselves, a time out may be used. This is only used as a cooling down period until the child decides that they are ready to rejoin the group. If a child is continuing to be harmful to others, you will receive a series of written warnings. 
• First written warning. At this point, we will have already verbalized your child’s behavior to you and will continue to monitor their behavior and work with them to stop. 
• Second written warning. At this point, there will be a conference set up between you and your child’s lead teacher. We want your child to thrive at the center and will work with you on how we can stop this behavior. 
• Third written warning. At this point, there will be a conference set up between you, your child’s lead teacher and the director. 
• Fourth written warning. At this point, your child will be suspended from care for one week (payment is still required for this time). If the behavior continues still, you will receive a written notice of expulsion. This will be a two week notice and will require payment whether or not you decide to bring your child for that time period. Jellybean Daycare & Preschool reserves the right to expel a child without notice if necessary. 

Parents will be notified if a child’s behavior cannot be controlled. We will work together to find appropriate solutions. If this behavior continues then that child may have to leave care for the day. We expect parents’ full support in this matter. It is our responsibility, as parents and providers, to teach children right from wrong, and how to be caring and respectful to others. Children do better when this is consistent and when they see their role models showing compassion and kindness toward others. We thank you in advance for your support. 

Physical punishment will NEVER be used, even with parents’ permission. We will never inflict emotional punishment, deprive a child of meals, or confine in an enclosed area. If you have any questions about our discipline policy, please let us know.

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