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Monday, October 26, 2015

Take-Aways from Conferences

Well fall is officially here!  The new school year is off and we have just finished conferences this month.  I thought I would talk to you all about why we do conferences at such a young age and what kinds of things we might have talked to you about at your child’s conference.

At Jellybean we are constantly documenting things your child does at school to keep track of their development and see what we need to do as teachers to help children reach their full potential. Ways that we document your child are by journaling every day, using assessments, looking for key development indicators (high scope), observing on a daily basis, and working one on one with your child every day. We use all of these forms of documentation to help your child learn and grow at Jellybean.  The teachers meet weekly to discuss children’s progress and ways we can teach to better help them understand and learn.

These are the things that we might have talked to you about at your child's conference. The important thing is to see what they really mean and to use this information the right way. If your child is good in all areas, then you're good to go! If you shared some concerns with the teachers and the teacher shared the same concern, then maybe it's a good time to make a plan of action to address this concern appropriately. A big thing that's helpful to children is consistency. If we're working together as a team to help your child excel both in the classroom and at home, that will help them move further in the area that they're struggling with. So talk with the teacher that you made that action plan with every week or so and see if they are seeing the improvements you may be seeing at home. Or maybe if there are no improvements, talk with them to change your action plan and go a different route. Once we as a team discover what's working, then we should only be seeing continuous improvement from there.

We start conferences at infant age so we can go over all the things that we document and observe on a regular basis with you.  The earlier we catch some area of development where a child may be struggling, the earlier we can address it and help.  If Early Intervention services are needed we can help parents find where to go for help.  We are always communicating with parents about their children and a conference is just another way to do so!

Let me know if you have any questions!



  1. To do conference with the parents at a regular basis is really a very good idea to communicate and discuss about their children's progress and the scope of development. It should help out to address the point of necessary improvement.

  2. Organizing conferences with the parents can address the scope of improvement into their child. To point out the improvement in the children, conference can play a vital role. This kind of activity should be exercised regularly on any child care service.

  3. What do the parents expect of their children at the Day Care Center?
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