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Monday, August 10, 2015

Letter from Ms. Jenn: Things Kindergarten Teachers Want You to Know

Next month is a start of a new school year.  Many of our Jellybeans will be starting Kindergarten and we have a bunch of new Jellybeans starting preschool here!  I thought I would share with you this month a list of things that Kindergarten teachers want you and your child to know.  We will be working on these things with the preschool children to get them ready for Kindergarten in 2016 too.

1. Talk about school in a positive but realistic way to help prepare your child on what to expect.

2. Be prepared for every emotional reaction from your child on the first few mornings.

3. Let go! Trust your child’s teacher and trust your child.

4. Name, Address, and Phone Number.  These are important things for your child to know.

5. Encourage your children to dress themselves.  Tying their own shoes is great too!

6. Make sure your child knows how to open all of the items in their lunch box and put them back away.

7. Set a morning routine that works for your family and stay with it for consistency.

8. Get plenty of rest: early to bed.

9. Encourage outdoor play and reduce screen time.  Since in Kindergarten a lot of their time will be spent indoors, give them some time to spend outside.

10. Read to your child every day: this is the most important thing you can do to help your child with school success.

11. Talk to your child about their day.  Encourage them to describe what they did that day and introduce new vocabulary words during your talk.

12. Play counting games with your child to help build math skills.

13. Sing nursery rhymes and poems to help your child build their literacy skills.

14. Write, write, write. Encourage your child to write with chalk, pencils, or markers in a tub.  Focus on the proper way to hold the writing utensil.

15. Keep extra curricular activities to a minimum during the first few months of school while your child adjusts to the new schedule.

16. Be prepared for tantrums.  This is a big change for your child; they have so many new rules to follow at school they may act out at home for a bit.

17. Encourage your child to be responsible for their own things.  When they get to Kindergarten they will have to keep track of their own belongings.

18. Toileting and personal hygiene.  Can your child take care of their own personal needs in the bathroom?

19. Nap and Comfort items: time to phase these things out, this may be a tough transition for your child so give them some time to get used to it before school starts.

20. Enjoy this moment!!! Take pictures for memories to watch these babies grow!

-Ms. Jenn

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